Electrotyped fists!
Big Bad Squares!
… extracted from the »Hauptprobe der Schriftgießerei und Messinglinien-Fabrik Wilhelm Woellmer, Berlin« 1925 (?).
Mortised element as part of «Humoristische Vignetten»
Benjamin Krebs Nachfolger, Frankfurt a. M. (c 1890)
NePo meets Drawbot | part 2
Zum Ansetzen von Linien.
New ground Tints.
NePo meets Drawbot | part 1
Classy «fistheads» from MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan’s «Eleventh Book of Specimens» (Philadelphia, 1885).
Combination Book Border (Series 87)
Designed by Richard Smith of MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan — patented February 25, 1879 — the «Combination Book Border (Series 87)» is a superb example of Victorian typographic skeuomorphisms.